
We believe in elevating the Jewish economy by helping business owners make faster and smarter decisions. With strategic methods and a panel of thousands of Orthodox Jewish members, we take executives from obscurity to clarity. As the only Orthodox Jewish Consumer Data Company we help enterprises inside and outside the community gather intelligent, timely and targeted data.

Core Values:


We approach all people and projects with utmost respect and sensitivity. We honor sensitivities within each community.


We make no assumptions; we make no judgment. We allow the data to tell the story.


We put the privacy of our panel members and clients above all else. No matter the cost, time or energy, we protect human and data privacy.

Jewish Pride

We love our community and are proud to be part of it. Through our work, we are able to depict a more accurate portrayal of our people. 

Our Panel:

Join our panel

Being part of the community, we understand the nuance and culture within our world. Through a sophisticated panel management system, we recruit a unique pool of panelists to represent the depth and scope of the community and bring you the only Orthodox Jewish panel in the world. We offer suitable incentives that speak to our members, and proudly enlist an impressive board of professionals and consumers.

Join our panel

Our Approach:

Only What You Need
Only What We Know:
Only A Jewish Kup:
Although we love research and data, we don’t overdwell or oversell on information you don’t need. We strategize and create pinpointed studies that  deliver the answers you need and nothing more.
We make no assumptions. We use our experience as a tool, not an excuse. We carefully craft each study to give us strategic insights so that our clients can understand the information they’re depending on.
Gathering insights from the Orthodox Jewish Community requires more than just skill and grit. With creativity and resourcefulness we are able to get an engaged and high response rate.

Our Leadership:

As a veteran creative director and trailblazer in the marketing industry, Dina has been following her curiosity and listening to the whispers ever since. Way back when she challenged the ordinary marketing path and founded a comprehensive, research-based branding company, she was always one to pave new paths and challenge the status quo. With an intuitive vision and a holistic approach to business, she has affected powerful breakthroughs for many successful businesses.

As founder and director of Mispar, Dina combines her art for strategic research with her unique marketing position to deepen the dimensions and amplify the voices of the Jewish market.